
Showing posts from August, 2018

Family Mart #1 : Chicken Parmesan Slice

I don’t normally do food reviews but since I wrote a list of things I want to do/achieve before I turn 24, I thought it would be a good idea. One of the things on my list is to try all the fresh foods/pastries that Family Mart (A Japanese convenience store recently started opening chains in Malaysia) has to offer. Might as well write a review on them! First off, the chicken Parmesan Slice! I chose this bun to be the first because it’s simple and is offered in a lot of other bakeries. Thus, it is easier to evaluate since I’d have some points of reference. Appearance On the outside, it looks extremely delicious! Has a good colour tone; that golden cheese top that indicates the sprinkles of parmesan, the light brown colour of the rest of the bun, and best of all the overflowing chicken slices protruding from its sides. It makes for a mouth-watering glance. The plastic wrap that comes with it is easily opened from the top, adding to the convenience of eating it. The bun is p