Family Mart #1 : Chicken Parmesan Slice

I don’t normally do food reviews but since I wrote a list of things I want to do/achieve before I turn 24, I thought it would be a good idea. One of the things on my list is to try all the fresh foods/pastries that Family Mart (A Japanese convenience store recently started opening chains in Malaysia) has to offer. Might as well write a review on them!
First off, the chicken Parmesan Slice! I chose this bun to be the first because it’s simple and is offered in a lot of other bakeries. Thus, it is easier to evaluate since I’d have some points of reference.

On the outside, it looks extremely delicious! Has a good colour tone; that golden cheese top that indicates the sprinkles of parmesan, the light brown colour of the rest of the bun, and best of all the overflowing chicken slices protruding from its sides. It makes for a mouth-watering glance.
The plastic wrap that comes with it is easily opened from the top, adding to the convenience of eating it. The bun is packaged in a way that the first bite we eat would be the sides with the overflowing chicken slices. This adds on to the eagerness of the consumer. Very clever, I am fooled.

The First Bite.
The first bite proves to be lethal, it completely fills your mouth with a beautiful saltiness and the taste of chicken. The bun is fluffier than expected for a convenience store, and definitely at the same level as bakeries. Whilst the Parmesan sprinkles touches the roof of the mouth to complete the umami.
The first bite reveals the extra slice of cheese in between the chicken ham. This whole concoction is addictive and texture-wise super soft and on point!

Getting Through it
Most buns with cheese usually get mundane after a few bites or even after the first, I highly suspected the same thing. However, combination of saltiness and sweet exuberating from the bun disallows frolicking and before I knew it, it was over. I finished the bun.
Interesting to note here, that the size also plays a big role. Some places offer a mundane chicken slice bun but has a huge serving and others do the opposite. Family mart has achieved the correct ratio of taste:serving:price. It fills up the consumer as well as a snack should, while tasting wonderfully too!

Congratulations Family Mart on this wondrous creation!


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